Welcome to the 1983 World's Fair: Columbian Exposition....hotel. Our gracious proprietor of this establishement has personally requested your attendance to our accomodations for the most reknowned World's Fair: Columbian Exposition.
You'll find our guest list here, where everything is spelled out! Including your room number! Any questions please ask your concierge.
The mysterious and slightly intimidating visage of the propriertor of the World's Fair Hotel.
This professional athlete relies on a healthy body and sound mind to compete in physical sports. He’s naturally a go-getter with a “can do” attitude, which has also contributed to his success in sports. To top off the whole package, he’s about as handsome as can be, with a knack for turning the heads of those who would be attracted to his type..
Deeply in tune with nature, this character seems somehow otherworldly in many respects. He’s introspective and has wisdom far beyond his years, or so he thinks. He was raised in the old ways, relying on instinct and skill rather than the comforts of society. Due to all this, others often consider him an outsider or just plain “weird”. He has spent his time traveling the world and has appropriated several foreign sayings, habits, and philosophies.
The streets have a way of making a person hard, which explains why this character isn't afraid of anything. They may not be the most articulate person in the world, but they know how to get business done...by any means necessary. They are the type who people rely on when things get tough, which is fine by them. While they look out for primarily Numero Uno, its not unheard of for them to display a surprinsing amount of leadership skills.
Life is just a series of stories and news features just waiting to be written… and this character is determined to snuff them out. She’s persistent to a fault and is as pushy as they come. She isn’t opposed to alienating or outright offending people, which is probably why she’s so damn good at her job. She’s been cursed at, pushed back and even attacked in the line of duty, but this does nothing to deter her from getting closer to the truth and asking the most probing questions possible.
Politics is all consuming. Once you step into that arena, your priorities tend to shift… and not necessarily for the better. Family, friends and the good of others often take a backseat to impressing people and influencing potential voters. And once you’re in office, it gets even worse. You’re constantly under a magnifying glass and re-election becomes a grave concern. This pretty much describes this character’s life. She has lost touch with what’s important, thinking exclusively of her political career
The past is the link to our future. Or at least that’s how this character views things. He makes his living by studying human cultures by recovering, documenting, analyzing, and interpreting material remains and environmental data, including architecture, artifacts and landscapes. This is, of course, a scientific definition of digging through old ruins or other sites in hopes of finding cool stuff from ages ago. The character is bookish and cerebral, often talking down to those who are not.
This pampered prima donna is all about making her debut into high-society. She wants to be accepted by those of a higher social standing and she'll do anything to achieve that goal. Meanwhile she looks down on those who are her societal "inferiors". Despite all her advantages she has been given during her life, nothing can take away the fact that she's astonishingly bird-brained, which leads to her making a fool of herself quite often.
Life isn't to be taken seriously. Or at least that's how this gal looks at the world. Everything's a big joke to them. They has no concept of tact and can't seem to get it through their thick skull that people don't enjoy having practical jokes played on them so often. Even in the most inapproporaite situations, they are quick to pull off a prank. This obviously leads to others becoming frustrated and even angry with them. Beneath it all, they are highly insecure and is attempting to make people like them.
Having no personal life is just a small price this character pays for his quest – no, thirst – for scientifi c knowledge. He has been unable to maintain any meaningful relationships of any kind over the years due to the fact that all of his time is spent in the laboratory, testing theories and devising chemical concoctions. He has no social skills to speak of, but he’s not hard to get along with. And he’s a good guy to have backing you up when a scientifi c sulution to a problem is required.
You’ve heard of drunken wisdom, right? Well, this character has plenty of it to share… or so he thinks. Always intoxicated, he’s loud, belligerent, opinionated, and always looks to instigate a fight. There’s no talking sense into him either. Good advice goes in one of his ears and out the other, making it impossible to reason with him. In short, he’s an ill-tempered, antagonistic jerk when he’s under the infl uence. Unfortunately, that’s almost all the time.
An outside view and breakdown of all three floors.
Top down look at the second floor apartments.
A look at the building from across the street.